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Our music


Here are some of the various videos available to the world which we have our students view and later discuss.  We believe that the more you observe, watch and listen, the stronger a musician one will be.  ENJOY!

The place to find videos of our bands and those that inspire us:

The incomparable Johnny Hodges with the Duke Ellington Orchestra performing Passion Flower. This is why he is the standard for all Lead Alto chairs around the world.

The Jazz Band is currently learning about the subtle, yet, hard moving swing of the Count Basie Big Band. Here are some prime examples of why they were one of the greatest bands with all the elements a young musician should be listening for.

The incomparable Count Basie Swing Band.  Look for Thad Jones in the trumpet section.

This is the concert of legend.  Five of the greatest masters of jazz and the core group which founded be-bop.

The amazing Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra...reminiscent of the style and hard-driving swing that came out of the Basie Band Thad was an intergral part of during his time with the band.

Buddy Rich in two incarnations.  Regardless, the band swings hard and the level achieved musically set the bar for the modern big band sound.  

Quincy Jones


514 S Perkins Rd, Memphis, TN 38117


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